Everyone Loves the Smell of Their Own Farts


The root of all human behavior is every individual’s need to feel important. Why do you check Facebook every 5 minutes to see how many “likes” a post you made has gotten? Because “likes” make you feel important. Why do you want a bigger house and nicer car than everyone else? It makes you look important. Why does everyone want to be a movie star? Because famous people are important. Why do most bosses flex their nuts on their employees by exerting their managerial powers when they’re feeling down? It reinforces their inner need to be important. Why do smelly people that believe in mysticism tell you that they were some amazing person and not a normal schmoe in a past life? Because even though their life sucks huge dicks at the moment, they can assure you, and they don’t need any proof, and they can’t provide any proof except some anecdotal bullshit, and you weren’t alive to see it, but they were really important in the past. Why am I masturbating at the thought of people having read this far into something that I’ve written? Because you are making me feel important and I am singing the sign language song titled ‘Whackin’ Me Off’ in your praise.

It’s sort of depressing if you look at it from the surface, but we really are just a bunch of dumb animals that are running off of a primal social instinct for wanting other people to think we’re great and there is no such thing as an unselfish act. There is such a thing as making a sacrifice for others but even those are done because of the recognition and cheers that those sacrifices receive. Everything you do and ever will do is a means of satisfying your inner need of having a purpose and especially having a purpose that others are aware of and are hopefully jealous of, because the only thing better than being important to other people is being more important than other people.

You could ask, “But what about uhhmmm, Tibetan monks? They live all alone up in Bumfuck Mountainville and they don’t even have like walkie-talkies.” Well those guys are fully aware that other people recognize them as being extra special monk people and even the Dalai Lama says that “the very purpose of life is to live a meaningful life”. In other words he’s saying you should be important to others through your actions, or in more other words, everything that I’ve been talking about so far. Shit, you know how some people say they just want to live a quiet life with a steady job and get married and have kids? Well how do you keep a steady job? By being important to your boss. Who is at least supposed to be the most important person to a husband or wife? Their husband or wife. And who’s the most important people in a child’s life? Their parents. You’re fucked no matter how you look at it. Everything you do in life is like a shitty little whimper saying, “hey guys, please look at me” or your more grandiose actions that scream, “Witness Me!”

Oh my gosh! What about love? True and pure selfless love for another human being?! Okay, so you love another person more than anything in the world, but for some reason or another you are no longer important to them. So they have sex with somebody else and ignore you and you leave them. Why did you leave them? Because they didn’t make you feel important anymore. So you run off and find someone new that will tell you how important you are. And they become important to you because they are a constant reminder of how important you are. Fuck’s sake, I’m getting depressed just typing this.

So anyway, I talk and complain about this too much, but all of this political crap lately really has me focusing on the bullshit of this younger generation that has fooled itself into believing that it is the first unselfish generation. When you are “fighting for the rights of the weak” or “standing up to bullies” or “showing your pride for who you are”, you are only doing it because it gains attention and satisfies your personal boner for feeling important. Even the word “pride” means inner satisfaction from one’s own achievements or having qualities and possessions that are admired by others. Stop sucking your own dick by being a social justice warrior that fights wrong doings through social media and by using your own “privilege” for the sake of others that don’t have those supposed privileges. Don’t claim that you’ll use your college degree to fight for the poor; instead, step aside and pay for someone else to go to college because their family is unable to afford it like yours can. Don’t buy yourself a new car but buy a poor person a new car instead. Then maybe I’ll believe you, even though you’ll still be doing it because it makes you feel important to the person that you’re buying it for and that you’ll be able to brag about it on Facebook.

Look at the cameras on phones now. Every person in America has a high definition camera on them at all times and what does everyone take a picture of? Themselves. They don’t take pictures of sunsets or suffering people or the things that are affecting them and others, they point the camera at themselves at a downward angle to make themselves look thinner and show their cleavage and then take a picture of them making a stupid face. Then they post it on their page and repeatedly check back to see how many “likes” it’s gotten. I love reading the pleas for kindness and justice for others on somebody’s Faceblog sheet and then seeing that they have 14 folders of selfies in their picture thingy. I mean, fuck you. Fuck you big time. At least be a little more honest with yourself if not everyone else. Nobody is promoting real change or action. They are promoting their face and their name as being something bigger than who they are. They are trying to convince others to think that they are important.

Also, notice how every politician is suddenly concerned with the “little people” whenever election time comes around? They’re talking about things like “what’s good for main street” and paychecks and unemployment and all the little shit that we deal with because they’re trying to make us feel important to them. And guess what? We’re not.

Trump is catering to a gullible lower class by saying simple things like “they took ‘er jobs!” and “fuck mudslimes!”, and Bernie is catering to a gullible middle class by saying things like “this will be free” or “that will be free” and “everything will be free”, and Clinton is just another politician that’s throwing out the usual shit. The shit that politicians say during every election cycle is always different, but it’s always shit. And for some reason the shit is really thick and a little too dark to see through in this election, and judging from Facebook and news articles there is an unusual amount of people that actually believe in all of that political shit and preach it through their own brand of shit.

I said in my last post that I like Trump, and I do in certain ways. I really like the Trumplestiltskin books but I’m not a big fan of Trumplestiltskin the president, especially after seeing him in the diarrhea bukake facefuck that has also been called the last Republican debate. Trump and everyone else were horrible in that debate. And on the other side of the toilet everything Bernie Sanders says sounds great but he has just as much explanation of how he’ll pull it all off as Trump does about making America great again. And Clinton is just another run of the mill politician.

I have to throw this in there. If you are a Republican that is constantly calling Hilary a liar, you’re probably right, no, you are right, but you cannot continue to throw the Benghazi thing at her as if the Republicans proved she was lying. You don’t completely fuck up a trial or questioning by disproving your own argument and then continue to proclaim that you are right, unless the argument is taking place on a kindergarten playground. If you ever want to see an 11 hour Saturday Night Live skit then watch the Benghazi hearing. I watched 5 hours of it live and the rest of it in pieces afterwards, and it was an absolute shit show that made me genuinely laugh at times. They proved that she didn’t know about the attacks ahead of time (unlike what some candidates are saying), they proved that she really was originally told that it was caused by a Youtube video, it was proven that she had provided extra reinforcements with plans of providing more, they proved that every politician including the very people in the Benghazi committee have a personal email except John Kerry, and the entire hearing proved that current Republicans are the dumbest people in the room, any room. They proved that Hilary would make a better president than any Republican. That’s why Trump is winning. He is different and he is a gigantic fuck you to the establishment. And he’s really good at making poorer people feel important. Almost as important as Bernie Sanders makes them feel. Because Trump is saying mean things that make angry people feel important and Sanders is saying kind and gentle things that make the disappointed people feel important, and I’m a skeptic that isn’t believing any of it.

Okay, I’m going to re-watch the last episode of “Breaking Bad” and go to bed. But really put a lot of thought and importance into who you are going to vote for, because they will be the next president that the next round of candidates will blame for all the things that were never done, but they will be the president that will get things done for you …because you are important.